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Statistics on violence against women inundate news media and awareness literature – 1 in 4 women will be the victim of severe violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime; every 98 seconds an American is sexually assaulted; crimes perpetrated by a stranger are more likely to involve a weapon.

The list could go on. But numbers fail to portray the faces of the lives they impact. The stats depersonalize and desensitize us to the physical and psychological enormities and long-term consequences of a violent encounter.

Picture the women in your life-your daughters, wife, mother, sisters, aunts, cousins, and friends. All of a sudden the that can’t happen to me mindset falls apart and the real possibility of an attack hits a lot closer to home.

If you were in school and had a test you would study – you would be ready for any question the teacher may ask – so be prepared.

From domestic violence to rape to an assault by a stranger on the street, don’t just survive but learn to thrive in any situation.